cookbook software cake

Our recipe software takes the cake in easily building custom-made cookbooks for families, churches and other organizations.

$29.95 (US) Cook book software on CD. + S/H
We ship international.

Weddings | Christmas
Family Reunions

Recipe software prints a custom recipe book for your family or group

Matilda's Fantastic Cookbook Software offers a total of 27 different templates (8.5x11 and recipe card sizes) and 100+ free recipes included.
New 9/24/07: Change font size, rotate pictures, photo for front cover

21 Amazing Features ▼

1. Amazingly easy to use. Do nearly everything in three simple screens.

2. 27 Templates. You've got a lot of choices. And they aren't the same cookie cutter design, either. Templates include drawings, photos and more.

3. Easy to read. Our software has really large type for people with poor vision.

4. Change type sizes. Your cookbook can have a big or small font.

5. Use your own photo for the front cover. We make it easy.

6. Two columns. By using two columns for the recipes, our layouts don't waste space.

7. Easily add in symbols like °F and ½. Our Recipe Builder feature makes it a click away.

8. Address Book. Make your cookbook into a family phone book.

9. Birthday Calendar. Never forget to send a birthday card again.

10. Biography. A cookbook and a family tree.

11. Recipe Cards. Print them from your computer on standard paper.

12. Single recipes. Print off recipes one at a time.

13. Preview your cookbook. Proof it on the screen before wasting paper.

14. Find and Replace. Easily change single words throughout your cookbook.

15. Spell check.

16. Custom Front Cover.

17. Custom Back Cover.

18. On-screen tips. Lots of advice and help is right on the screen. No need to search through a big Help file.

19. Add in pictures. Select your own photos of recipes and people.

20. Turn pictures. Is a photo sideways? Just right click on it and choose "Rotate 90°".

21. Stores picture inside Matilda. Go ahead and move your original photos. Matilda keeps a copy in the database.

22. Make up your own recipe types. Want to add categories like "Cookies" and "Vegetarian"? Be our guest!

Am I going to like this software? ▼

Grandmother: If you want something that's easy to use, has large readable type, and gets you a printed cookbook the quickest way possible, then this is your software. It was literally built to make a grandmother happy.
Church Cookbook Maker: Our variety of religious themes will make your church's cookbook really stand out from anything your church has done before.
Family Organizer:
There's one person in every family who makes it happen, whether you are talking about Christmas dinner or a family reunion. There's also one cookbook software built just for that person. This is it.
Business or Group Organizer: Your cookbook needs to look professional, but you can't afford to turn this into a full-time job. This software gives you professional quality results at a very low price.

Frequently Asked Questions ▼

1. Will I be able to add new recipes down the road?
Yes. As long as you have the software, you can make and re-make your cookbook as often as you want. Add more recipes, delete recipes. It’s your cookbook. Unlike some web sites where they print the cookbook, you have complete control, now and always.

2. Do I have to buy printed books from you? If not, where do I go to print them?
We don’t print the books. You are in control. Here are some instructions. Basically, you can get a kit to bind them yourself or take them to a copy shop.

3. Is there a downloadable version I can buy?
Sorry. Only on CD for now. It’ll probably only take a few days to get to you. In the meantime, start collecting your recipes and information on people.

4. Can I do a front cover with my own photograph?
Yes. It’s a feature we’ve just built in.

5. Does it work with a Macintosh?
No. But it’s very easy to copy and paste recipes into the software. If you know somebody with a PC, you can do most of the real work typing it into your Mac, then emailing the recipes to them for copying/pasting.

6. Do I have to use just one template? Can I mix and match?
Yes! Do half in Patriot and half in Fruit. Or just do the Salads in Patriot and the Soups in Fruit. Make half of them in small type to cut printing costs, and the other half in big type for those with bad vision. You have a huge amount of flexibility.

7. Can I copy and paste recipes in off the internet/email/Word/etc?
Yes! We give you one massive field that you can paste your recipe into. That allows you to format the recipes any way you want, and it makes it extremely easy to copy and paste.